Universal support
Available for any mobile device running Android or iOS.
Find real-time stock locations
Search for an item on your mobile device and let Zenventory guide you to the location within your warehouse.
Paperless order picking
Save stacks of paper by managing the pick process digitally.
Conduct cycle counts
View expected inventory levels at a location and commit updated physical counts right from your handheld device.
Receive new stock where it arrives
No more clipboard or racing back to the desk to input receiving data. Easily verify and log new stock from expected deliveries, or create a receiving list on the fly.
Barcode scanning
Skip all the typing and zap a barcode instead. Robust barcode scanning support for items, UPCs, warehouse locations, orders, POs, and more.
What version of Android do I need?
We test compatibility with Android version 8 and newer. Older versions might work too, but our app works best with modern devices and supported versions.
Are the features identical between the web & mobile versions?
Not exactly. All typical day-to-day workflows in a warehouse where it is useful to be away from a desk are supported on mobile devices: Inventory lookups, order picking, cycle counts, and receiving. The mobile version is highly optimized for smaller screens, so certain features in Zenventory are always going to be more efficient on the full web version (administrative features, printing shipping labels, etc).
How does barcode scanning work if I'm on a cell phone?
Our mobile app is designed to work with whatever capture capabilities the device can provide, and our app can scan barcodes using the camera on any consumer device like a cell phone. If you're running a high velocity fulfillment center and looking to optimize speed, we recommend equipping your team with Android-based commercial devices instead. These professional-grade devices will be far more rugged and will include a traditional 1D/2D barcode imager (much faster than a camera!). Contact us for specific recommendations.